• Rawxia wallpapers

    Here are some beautiful ultrawide wallpapers made by Rawxia!

    Want some beautiful wallpapers? Rawxia has you covered! Simply see below and enjoy! This post will be updated with more and more as time goes on. Why Ultrawide? Perhaps the hottest and finest in technological advances seem to be ultrawide monitors. These are necessary for everyone who takes their job or enjoyment seriously since they …

  • Why gaming is actually good for you

    Rawxia here once again, bringing you the latest and greatest in gaming news and information. Today, we’re diving into the topic of why gaming is not just here to stay, but also why it’s great for your brain. That’s right folks, put down the books and pick up the controller because we’re about to show …

  • Gaming pc with bottleneck and dog

    Upgrade Your CPU Before Crying Over a Bottlenecked GPU: A Guide by your friendly neighborhood tech expert

    Hey guys, your friendly neighborhood tech expert here, and today we’re gonna talk about something that can drive any PC gamer insane: GPU bottlenecking. You just got your hands on that shiny new graphics card that you’ve been dreaming of, and you’re ready to play the latest games on max settings. But wait, what’s this? …

  • multiplayer beta for Halo infinite

    The Halo Infinite Beta is over

    Playing Halo infinite multiplayer free? Early? The Halo Infinite beta test The Halo Infinite multiplayer technical preview officially finished yesterday, August 2, after three full days of testing. Don’t worry if you didn’t obtain an invitation for the initial multiplayer test; 343 Industries will hold at least another in the near future. The next multiplayer …

  • Steam deck up close

    Steam Deck: Everything you need to know about Valve’s new handheld gaming device

    Valve are venturing into the world of portable gaming. Here’s what you need to learn about the latest Steam Deck. Valve is venturing into the arena for handheld gaming. The Steam Deck, a handheld device that really can play every game in your Steam library, will be released this year, according to speculations. It’s essentially …

  • Best gear for streaming on a budget

    Streamer Gear – How to Get Best gear for the least amount of money. Professional Streaming on a Budget.

    I want to start streaming but where do I start? What gear do I need? How much do I spend? What are the “pros” using? All these questions will be answered in our short write up below!

Seb AKA Rawxia on Twitch
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